
If you are coming from Barcelona: 
Exit the AP-7 motorway at junction 4 and go along the N-II road for 7 km, direction Jonquera-France.

Turn right onto the N-260 road, direction Llançà-Portbou. After 10 km, turn right to La Jonquera and follow the sign to Garriguella (G-252).

If you are coming from France: 
Exit the AP-7 motorway at junction 6 and go along the N-II road for 4 km, direction Girona-Barcelona-Llançà.

Take road N-230. After 10.5 km, turn right, direction La Jonquera and follow the signs to Garriguella (G-252).

Once you arrive at Garriguella:

After 2 km you will arrive at Garriguella. At the second roundabout, turn left to Baix Garriguella. After 100 metres, you will see Can Coll on the left hand side.

C/ Sant Sebastià, 3 - 17780 Garriguella (Girona)

GPS coordinates: 42.34373,3.057852


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